MYM Blog

Build Your Numbers

Written by Christopher Wesley | Jul 29, 2013 7:30:13 AM

Starting out I was consistently jealous of other churches and their attendance numbers.  It didn’t matter how long the youth minister had been at that church, I thought I was better.  I often found myself looking for something wrong with the way they did ministry.  It was frustrating and unhealthy what I was doing.  Instead of focusing on the healthy of my ministry, I was worried about the growth of another.

Numbers can lead you to unfairly compare yourself to other ministries.  Some youth ministers will argue, “It’s not about the numbers.” However, numbers will help you track the growth of your ministry and the impact it has on the community.  Building your numbers isn’t just about growing wider, it’s about going deeper.  Every youth ministry should be focused on both width and depth because it’s what will create a healthy and vibrant movement.  To build your numbers, to go both deep and wide you need to:

  • Make The Entry Point Clear: You must be clear in communicating where you want visitors to go and what you want them to do.  If that first step is overwhelming it can be a turnoff to anyone inquiring about your ministry.  Placing greeters at the door and putting a welcome message on your Facebook page are all simple fixes to making sure people come in and know what to do next.
  • Build Something Sustainable: It’s easy to throw together a big event to draw big numbers.  To do a big event over and over again is a little insane.  Build a consistent ministry because it will help your teens build the habit of attending your ministry.  If you can get them coming back each week, then you’ll be given the opportunity to consistently love on them, preach the Gospel and sit with them in the messiness of their life.  Start simple and then build on it.
  • Cultivate A Buzz: Best way to grow your numbers is through word of mouth.  Each week you should empower and encourage your students to invite their friends.  Teens are more willing to except the invitation of a friend than the wording of a clever poster.  Clarify to your current teens that by inviting their friends to your youth ministry they are creating an opportunity for them to meet Christ.
  • Love Them But Challenge Them: Create a ministry where students are accepted for who they are, but do not stay there.  Through your messages, activities and small group discussions challenge them to think differently and grow.  Teens will value the investment you are making in them, even if it means stepping out of their comfort zone.  To gain their trust, love them, challenge them, walk with them and empower them to go.

Your ministry, just like the church is a movement in your community.  Don’t be afraid to build the numbers; but, do not lose hope if they do not grow overnight.  Be persistent, pray for opportunities to invite teens and create an environment where they are challenged to grow.

Should growing ministry numbers be a goal?