MYM Blog

Build Margin With These Four Steps

Written by Christopher Wesley | Nov 16, 2011 12:30:00 PM
Credit: Free images from

I’ve been a total freak the last few weeks because my mind has focused solely on organization, prioritization and the elimination of clutter in my office and schedule.  I spent multiple hours scanning, and shredding old forms so that I could go paperless.  I rearranged desktop folders so that I could navigate quicker through my computer.  Then I began writing to-do lists and action steps on the windows of my office, the white board and multiple notebooks.  What did I gain from all my efforts?

Clean Mind and Spare Time

And you too for the price of $2.99 can have the same…well, actually anyone can have it for free.  Now you don’t have to be crazy like me to gain it, in fact it starts with a few simple steps:

  • Step 1: Track Your Time – What do you spend your time doing and then ask yourself immediately, “Could I have done that in less time?” Be honest with yourself.
  • Step 2: Track Your Energy – Do you feel alert in the morning?  Are you creative in the afternoon?  When you know your energy levels you know which tasks to take on when.
  • Step 3: Write Stuff Down – You can use your laptop, save files in Evernote or simply write ideas, thoughts or action steps on a notepad.  It doesn’t have to be a detailed system; however, just make sure what you write down or track is easy to find later for review.
  • Step 4: Repeat Consistently – Do not wait for Spring Cleaning or New Year’s Resolutions make a point to revisit your clutter and notes on a weekly or monthly basis.  You want to make sure you stay on top of your mess, before it consumes you.

If you want to get “geeked” out then feel free to implement charts, and color coded calendars, but that’s up to you.  To build margin and create capacity you just need to make yourself more aware of what you do and how much time and energy you designate towards your work.

Which of the four steps do you think is the hardest to take on?