Blood Drive #?

I don’t know how many blood drives we have done at Church of the Nativity but we’ve done around 2-3 a year and I’ve been here for 4 years so that makes anywhere from 8-12. It’s a pretty simple ministry to do, and it’s a way of bringing people into the building, to check out the church. The other two times we host a blood drive is in August and November (right be for Thanksgiving). May is not a hard time because the current youth programs are on summer recess and I have more time to hang around at these events. I don’t know if this is something I should be running, it really doesn’t take much to do and I don’t know if it’s going to get bigger but in the meantime it’s not a problem because there aren’t any schedule conflicts.
My schedule this week is composed of a ton of meetings, with ministers, other church groups, potential ministers, etc. I’m trying to stay true to the list that I made, but I’m getting nervous and anxious that I’m not getting things done.

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