MYM Blog

Are You Doing Enough?

Written by MYMU Admin | Jan 11, 2016 7:30:24 AM

Every youth minister asks the question, “Am I doing enough?”   It’s a question we are afraid to answer because it could expose our failures and shortcomings.

But, if you do not ask the question, “Am I doing enough?” then your ministry will never change.  It needs to change because the world around it is constantly moving.  To answer the question you need to know how to:


Typically the only area we measure is attendance.  You need to start capturing all the tangibles (i.e. attendance) and intangibles (i.e. life change) that occur in your ministry.

Capture information even if you aren’t sure how to use it at first.  Look for patterns and build a team around you to help you answer the question, “What does it mean?”

Your goal is to build a big picture to help you determine whether or not you are heading in the right direction.  In the end your data can tell you what in your ministry needs to grow or change.


Busyness amongst other obstacles will get in the way of following the vision.  Make it a habit to get together with a team of volunteers or staff to revisit your vision twice a year (I recommend mid winter and mid summer).

Look at whether this is the vision God is giving you.  Determine if it is clear.  Your vision is going to remind you why you are doing what you are trying to do.  If you don’t know your purpose then you definitely won’t be able to answer the question, “Am I doing enough?”


Failure is not the end, it’s an opportunity to learn.  If you start looking a failure as an opportunity to grow stronger than that’s what it will become.  To help you embrace failure answer the questions:

  • What did we learn?
  • What could we have improved?

Answer those questions and apply it to what you are doing.  If you don’t know the answer to those questions ask other people who are involved.  If you are willing to fail it means you are willing to try.  If you are willing to try it means you are constantly growing.


You won’t always see the fruit of your labor.  In fact you may never see the fruit of your labor.  As a youth minister you are planting seeds and that’s why you need to trust God.

If your ministry is following the mission and vision He’s given you then why would it fail?  If you have doubts then you need to make sure you are spending time with Him.

Am I doing enough?” is a question you will find yourself asking after a year of ministry and after 30 years of ministry.  It’s one that can help you grow; however, it can also cause doubt.  Stay focused on the vision, keep moving along and remember that God is on your side.

[reminder]  How would you answer the question, “ Am I doing enough?” [/reminder]