MYM Blog

Are You Afraid Of The Change That Must Happen?

Written by Christopher Wesley | Jun 4, 2020 10:17:06 AM

s There are some nights I feel completely overwhelmed. As I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling fan, wide awake, I wonder, “How am I going to fix this?” THIS is the decline we see in our ministries. THIS is seeing people disengage from the local church. It’s a daunting problem that needs attention, and one of the first steps to addressing it is learning how to be bold.

To be bold, we need to step out of our comfort zones and do things differently. We have to change our thinking and look at the situation from a different angle. To be the leaders our church needs, we need to be courageous and:


When something isn’t going well, you have to look inward first. While your ministry might not be growing because of youth sports, reluctant parents, or coronavirus, the biggest stumbling block is linked to your inability to learn and adapt. Another reason we can be the cause of our problems is our denial that things are as bad as they truly are. People are leaving the church, and while there are bright spots, it’s currently not enough. Our willingness to embrace the problem is the first step to fixing it.

I’m not saying it’s all your fault, but if we want to address the situation, we’re going to have to embrace our own need for change. To figure out how you can adapt and be a part of the solution, engage in prayer, start looking at your habits and answer the question, “Where do I need to grow?”


Clarifying a vision is difficult because it’s more than putting a series of words together. A vision is something that needs to motivate others, and it will be something that challenges many. That challenge can be a lot, even to the point where people pushback. If there is resistance, that’s okay; it’s a sign that change is happening.

Every great vision comes from God, so rooting yourself in prayer is so important. Then it’s about rallying the right people around you and putting it down on paper. If you need help with creating a vision that creates change check out our Master Class: Crafting Your Vision HERE


When change is inevitable, it’s essential to rally a team around you. The problem is that not everyone is available or willing. The rejection can be harsh; however, it’s necessary not to take it personally. God will introduce you to the right people you just have to ask. It’s not always going to be obvious, and even if it is that person may be hesitant.

To recruit the right people, you not only need a vision but the patience and persistence to keep the invitation going. This journey of change is not only challenging for you, but the people who are supposed to join you. Keep praying for them, and don’t hold back on asking people to join.


God’s going to give us more than we can handle so that we remember to lean into Him. Believing a big God can be difficult because He stretches us in ways that are new and even scary. And even if the path before us seems narrow and shaky, we have to remember it leads to something bigger than what we’re currently doing.

The world around us is continually changing, and so are our needs for reaching the disaffiliated. We can’t wait in fear for things to change; instead, we have to take a step forward even if we are unsure of the path ahead. Trust in God, and He won’t let you down. Be bold and take that next step.

How are you implementing change in your ministry this next season?