Tomorrow at 8:30 am we will be meeting as a staff to plan the next year. After being in North Point I’m sure there will be a lot of different things to talk about and discuss. Today at our Blood Drive I got the chance to talk to some ministers who are parents. I don’t know what has taken me so long but I feel as if I’m starting to ask the right questions. I want to know from parents what they expect from the church in the partnering of raising their kids. I want to know what do they struggle with their teens, what do they want to know about their teens, where are they communicating well and poorly. I want to know what they need from me. It’s difficult for me to understand why parents react to my moves, decisions and messages because I’m not one, so the best I can do at this time is partner with them.
Anyway, being back in Baltimore is good, got to get through this weekend and then the heavy summer research begins…I can’t believe June is next week.