Most people who read this know that I’m a fan and advocate of systems and structures. When it comes to ministry, it’s systems and structures. If your systems and structures don’t function correctly, then nothing you do will work. Blah, blah, blah.
With that said there is probably one other thing that I should mention more when it comes to ministry and that’s the heart. In the end you can have the best systems and structures in the world but if you do not have the right heart, then what you are doing is full of pride.
I had a conversation with a fellow youth worker and we were talking about the systems of our ministry and all I was hearing was “me, me, me” and “I, I, I”. The program that was set-up sounded great, but I never heard any humility, I didn’t hear him attribute success to ministers and at no point did I hear him thanking God. It made me feel sad, I hope deep down he really does love his ministers and God, but I wish I could have heard it.
One of the most inspirational things for me to hear from any church worker is how God is working through their lives. So just in case you haven’t heard it from me; I can’t thank God enough for the wonderful ministers He’s brought to this church, the awesome students, the incredible staff and the opportunity to serve Him in this way.