
7 Common Traits Of A Leader

I grew up only a few minutes away from George Washington’s Headquarters in Morristown, NJ.  I enjoyed the legend the came with this great leader.  Whether it was crossing the Delaware to surprise the Brits or delivering an ultimatum to the French in the French and Indian War.

While youth ministry might not require you to lead a group of teens across a freezing river in the dead of winter, it will present some leadership moments.  

If you want to be a leader that people will follow and trust, then you need to embrace certain traits.  For example leaders:

Trait 1: Great Listeners

Leaders are listeners.  They know that others have insights and ideas that have never crossed their mind.  They know that people feel valued when they are heard.

Trait 2: Embrace Conflict

Conflict is scary, but it is a part of change.  When you lean into the tension you allow yourself to move forward and get things done.  When a leader embraces the conflict the movement of your ministry can continue on.

Trait 3:  Vision Casters

Leaders see a bigger picture.  They understand that what they are doing is a part of God’s plan.  Not only to they see the big picture but they are passionate about sharing it with everyone and anyone.

Trait 4: Share Praise And Own Blame

Leaders know that success isn’t due to one person.  Any chance they get to raise up those around them they will.  When failure arises they own it, even when it’s not directly their fault.  Owning the blame means being accountable and striving to make those around them better.

Trait 5: Trust Their People

Leaders know that they cannot do what they are called to do on their own.  They build trust through delegation and handing off responsibility.  They trust that God is giving them the right people for the right jobs.

Trait 6: Risk Takers

Leaders know that failure is part of the journey to the vision.  We make mistakes and that’s okay as long as we are willing to learn from them.  And there is so much we can learn about ourselves, the others around us and what God is asking us to do when a risk is taken.

Trait 7: Know Their Limits

Everyone is limited.  A great leader knows that they cannot do it all, nor do they need to.  Embracing your limits forces us to think outside the box.  It allows a leader to grow in new ways.  

Leaders are people willing to move forward even when the path in front of them in unnerving.  One of the best ways you can become a better leader is by finding someone to follow.  

Continue to follow Christ, read about great leaders in history and look for that person you admire in your community.  Strive to embrace these 7 traits.

Would you add or subtract a trait?  If so which one?

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