5 Steps To Learning Why Your Youth Ministry Exists

I have a five year old, which means he loves asking the question, “Why?”  While it can get a little annoying it’s a question we need to be asking ourselves more.  Unfortunately, it’s often asked too late when it comes to what we do professionally.

The vision you have for your youth ministry is the answer to the, “Why?” question.  Vision gives you direction and identify your purpose.  It will help your ministry grow deeper and become more effective.  To develop an effective vision you need to:


God has called you to your ministry, so He’s going to know where you need to go.  Many times we jump into our days, and our work without thinking, “What is it you want me to do today?”  It’s amazing the clarity a little morning time prayer will bring.


Your purpose is to address a problem.  And that problem is more than people aren’t going to church.  The problem needs to answer that question, “Why aren’t people coming to church?”

Look at what is competing for their time, money and talent.  It’s all about discovering what has replaced God and the need for His church in their lives.  Once you know the problem you’ll start seeing solutions.


There is a target audience you need to focus on.  Your community might be diverse; however, if you target this person you will have influence on everyone else.  Identify this person by getting to know your community.  Answer questions like:

  • Who is setting the trends?
  • What group of people have the most influence?
  • Who are considered leaders in the community?

Narrow down on your audience and you’ll find that you are attracting a larger crowd.


Coming up with your own vision statement from scratch can be difficult.  To start crafting one look at youth ministries or churches that are similar to yours.  It’s okay to mimic what they have initially, but then over time adapt to your ministry’s identity.


It’s not just about knowing your vision statement you need to share it.  When the vision sticks it will spread.  When the vision spreads more people will work to make it happen.

Share the vision with your leaders, the parents and the teens.  Explain why it’s important to create buy in.  When people know the vision they’ll jump on board and work with you.

Vision gives you purpose because it answers the “Why?” question.  If you don’t answer the question you will find yourself stuck with the same frustrations over and over again.  Vision will give you purpose, and it will give you significance because you will be doing God’s work.

[reminder]  What is your vision statement and how do you share it with others? [/reminder]


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