
5 Excuses Youth Ministers Need To Avoid Making

There are going to be moments when you don’t see the results you hope for.  When expectations aren’t met you want to find a reason.  While it might be tempting it’s important to avoid making excuses.

While excuses can be justified they often don’t lead to solutions.  And while there are several excuses we can make their are 5 youth ministers should especially avoid:


Yes, teenagers are busy, but so is everyone.  If you want people to make the ministry a priority then you have to show them how it’s going to better their lives.

Solution to the Excuse: To make your ministry worth a teenager’s busy schedule you need to know your purpose.  Why does your ministry exist?  What void is it filling in the lives of the next generation and why does it matter?

If your ministry lacks purpose then it lacks value.  Know your ministry’s value, communicate it and live up to it.


Don’t take a parent’s lack of engagement as a lack of compassion.  Each family faces it’s own obstacles and hardships.

Solution to the Excuse: You need to show that your ministry cares about parents by coming alongside of them and finding ways to partner with them.

That doesn’t necessarily mean creating more programming, but finding ways where your team of people can encourage, challenge and love on them.  The more parents feel your love the more they will see you as a resource.


If leadership doesn’t support you it’s going to be difficult for you to function.  But, before you jump to that life changing decision consider the fact that you feel that way because youth ministry can easily isolate itself from the rest of the church.

Solution to the Excuse: Look at your mission and vision and determine whether it’s aligned with the entire church’s.  Start working with other people on staff and different areas to see how you can pull together resources.

Stop looking at your ministry like it’s an island.  Look at yourself as a member of a team.  Serve those you work with and ask them, “What can I do for you?”  A youth ministry that’s aligned with it’s church will feel connected.


Finding volunteers can be frustrating but it’s not impossible.  It’s a process that takes time and persistence.  You have to be okay with facing rejection and having people turn you down.

Solution to the Excuse: Don’t make recruiting reactionary, instead develop a strategy.  Make recruiting a priority by putting it into your weekly schedule.  Stand by the door of adult worship getting to know others and building relationships.  Invest in others so that when you lay down the ask it’s not awkward.


The only time you feel like you don’t have enough time is when you aren’t using it wisely.  God’s going to give you all the time that you need to get the job done.

Solution to the Excuse: Write out your schedule and to-do’s.  When you write it down it’s easier to see exactly what you have in front of you.  Take out distractions, turn off any noise and don’t be afraid to tell coworkers, “Can we talk about this later?”  Your time is a gift from God and needs to be used wisely.

Serving in ministry has it’s challenges.  There are reasons you won’t grow as quickly as you would like, but don’t let those reasons become excuses.   Take a minute to re-strategize and always check-in with God.

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