411 Jesus

It’s about 11pm on Sunday night and in 3 weekends youth programs will begin. I want to thank God for the information desk ministry. Today Elaine Wescott came in to talk to me about a woman who wanted to register her teens for Resurrection our middle school program and the children’s programs. She told me that this woman and her family had been searching for a church and they settled upon Nativity because they felt welcomed. It’s always nice to hear of people feeling welcomed at a church and I feel this summer I’ve heard a lot of those stories. But anyway this woman told Elaine that she had a difficult time making the payment for her three kids because of some financial hardships. This bit of news broke Elaine’s heart. Now, I don’t know how many people know Elaine, but from what I know she has a big heart, but she is also one of the most upbeat people you can ever meet. She’s always got a smile. But when this woman told Elaine about her difficulties Elaine poured out her heart for this woman and told me that she wanted to pay the woman’s registration fee. Elaine told me that she wanted this woman and her family to feel as if they belonged. And Christ wants people to feel like they belong to His church.
It’s amazing when you work at a church and people are willing to just go all out for Christ. You know you are doing something right when you have people who are going all out to bring others closer to Christ. I’m excited for this year because I know that God is blessing the youth leaders at Nativity and blessing me with such an awesome summer. I pray that I stay persistent and persevere through all difficulty. Sometimes the weeks get difficult because of complaints, concerns and questions that come about, but then you see the Elaines in your life and remember that the vision you have been creating (as long as it’s focused on God) will be blessed. Today I saw Jesus in Elaine and how the information desk was more than a volunteer opportunity.

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