
4 Steps To Take Before Purchasing A Resource

If given the option, time, money and support most people would create their own content.  The reality is that many of those things are in short supply. Therefore, the next best option is outsourcing.  The question is, What resources to use?”

Outsourcing while it can save you time does cost money.  And not every resource is right for every youth minister.  While recommendations and endorsements are helpful the best way to know which resource is right for your youth ministry is by:


Who are the teens you are trying to reach. When you know the answer to that question you’ll know what to use to make church, religion and faith relevant.  Get to know your audience by learning what:

  • Occupies Their Time
  • Consumes Their Money
  • Motivates Them To Act
  • People Have Influence

Having a clear picture of who you are trying to reach will give you a clear understanding of how to communicate.


A lot of resources are designed to be implemented over a certain amount of time in a certain type of setting.  It might work for your ministry and it might not.  While there does need to be compromise, don’t conform to the resource.  

If you can adapt the resource to fit your setting.  If you can’t adapt it don’t use it. It’s not worth the headache.


Everyone in the country might think the resource is awesome, but if you don’t have buy-in from your ministry team it won’t be worth the effort. In order to make a resource or curriculum work you need people on board.

Your team will not only help you maximize the content but take it to a new level.  They’ll prepare for it and implement it in the way it was designed. To make sure people have buy-in survey them before you purchase.  Have them research other resources and provide you with feedback.


It might seem like common sense but can easily be overlooked. Ask other youth workers what they’ve used.  Get their take on how they’ve implemented it.  Don’t just ask one, ask many.  

Also see if you can contact the creator of the resource. Ask them about the feedback they’ve received and how they’ve heard it being used.  It’ll give you another perspective.

Outsourcing is a wonderful way to get started and to work within your limits.  You just want to make sure you are picking up the right product so that you aren’t wasting more time.  In the end you’ll be able to focus on the important things.

[reminder] What do you look for in a resource or curriculum? [/reminder]

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