6 Goals To Set Before Summer Starts

It’s a little crazy.  It’s like I blinked and the year is gone.  I used to look forward to summers as a youth minister because it’s when I thought I would get a break.  I’ve realized that summer is actually really busy.  There’s training, planning, recruiting and creating…that’s a lot of ing’s!

If you aren’t careful summer will pass you by.  It almost seems like summers get shorter and shorter as you get older.  The tendency is to do all your planning and recruiting in the summer; however, that might be too late.  Before you check out and just wait for summer, set aside a few goals, especially these 6:

Make A Summer Reading List

Summer is the perfect time for learning.  Talk to other youth minister or church workers to get an idea of what will help you grow.  Focus on being a sponge and take in as much as you can get.  If you are looking for suggestions, here are five books that have served me well. (Chris’ Reading List Here)

Put Together A Calendar For Next Year

You might not have summer all planned out and that’s okay.  Look at the fall and plan those major dates.  Schedule in when you are going to take breaks.  Organize your content and figure out when is the best time to teach what.  After you’ve compiled that calendar communicate it with everyone.

Evaluate What The State Of Your Ministry

You might be tired and ready to check it in.  Plan a few meetings with your most trusted leaders who will help you break down the year.  We use the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis to help us.  It might be humbling, but it will help you focus on the changes you need to make before summer flies by. (A little more on the SWOT analysis, click here)

Revisit Volunteer Commitments

You don’t want to find out two weeks before things start up again that you have leaders leaving.  Start asking them to think about next year’s commitment.  Give them a deadline and then speak with those who are on the fence and those you might want to leave.  This will give you more time to feed into them during the summer months.

Plan To Get Away

Summer will be gone before you know it.  While you might want to take a last minute vacation, put at least a few days in the books.  A planned vacation is almost 100% guaranteed (You could get sick…just saying).  Give yourself at least a week, get out of your house (even if it’s going to a hotel across the street) and disconnect.

Celebrate What You’ve Accomplished

Don’t forget to give thanks and celebrate the year.  One year in youth ministry is nothing to shake a stick at.  Youth ministry is a spiritual battle, a journey and you’ve hit a milestone.  Go out to eat with your leaders, throw a party and let them know what they’ve done is great.

Don’t just fall into summer.  Make a plan and focus on it being productive, refreshing and rewarding.  Don’t give up yet, you are almost there.  This summer will be a blast.

What goals do you have set for summer?  What are you reading?

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