MYM Blog

4 Different Roles To Create For Your Ministers

Written by MYMU Admin | Oct 9, 2015 7:30:41 AM

I don’t think I’m qualified.”  It’s the answer most of us hear when someone turns down an invitation to serve in student ministry.  The question is, “Is that what they feel or is that the reality?”

The reality is that we try to put different people into the same role.  Problem is that you need to put the right people into the right role.  Once you have the right pieces in place you can start building a healthy ministry.  That means creating different roles for different people like:


These are your people who want to interact with teens and want to build relationships.  Serving up front means you are seen by the teenagers and people go to you first.  More specifically someone serving up front is someone greeting at the door, leading a small group or even delivering a message.


You will find people who want to contribute but they either cannot join you during the time of ministry or they prefer to not be known.  Have them help with set-up, break down, or curriculum development.  If they work behind the scenes make sure you are giving them feedback on how everything is going.


Your ministry needs a platform so that word can get out on what you are doing.  There are people in your church that might not have the skill to create an activity or the patience to deal with teens; however, they want to see you succeed.

Make sure they know the vision and understand what it is you are trying to achieve.  These are the people who will help you find investors, reach parents and build networks with other organizations (i.e. schools).


There are people who love interacting with teenagers; however, they also have an affinity towards something else (i.e. missions).

These are people you can use to set-up mission trips or evangelization events.  They are people who know how to reach teens outside the youth room and create experiences beyond the small group.

Youth ministry isn’t for everyone; however, there is a place for many different types of people.  Your job is to figure out how to connect people to the next generation.  The more men and women invest in the next generation the stronger they will be.

[reminder]  What other roles do you provide for men and women interested in the next generation? [/reminder]