
3 Writers That Inspire Me

While I enjoy exploring the blogosphere (by the way, does anyone still use that term?) I do most of my reading with the traditional tree made book.  There’s something about feeling the paper under my fingertips and the smell of print and glue that just gets me going (yes I have problems).  Doesn’t matter if it’s fiction or analytical, if it’s well written I’m invested, because it’s through other’s writings that I find inspiration.  So what have I been reading lately?  Too many to list here; however, I wanted to share with you three writers who have got my mind rolling on a regular basis.

  • Michael Hyatt – Chairman of Thomas Nelson Publishers, I read Michael Hyatt’s blog for inspiration on how to blog, organize and prioritize my work flow.  Through his website I’m being exposed to new resources and leaders in Christianity and business.  His expertise falls in 6 categories Leadership, Productivity, Publishing, Social Media, Resources and then Miscellany.  To check it out click here.
  • Seth Godin – This author will get you thinking on his blog appropriately named Seth’s Blog.  Sometimes his musings are short, sometimes a little long; however, always thought provoking.  Seth Godin is an author that focuses on big ideas, creativity and outside the box thinking.  If you need that push to take your ministry and leadership to the next level, then check out his blog right here.
  • Jon Acuff – Jon is the author of Stuff Christian’s Like and Quitter, and is currently a member of Dave Ramsey’s team.  I’ve met Jon in person and from our brief conversation he’s one of the most authentic people I’ve ever met, which makes reading his blog that much more enjoyable.  Just when we are ready to take ourselves to seriously he’s able to lighten the mood and tension.  Jon’s a dreamer (in a good way) and reminds me that God has a greater purpose than what the world may tell us.  Check out his site here. 

I know none of these men represent youth ministry directly; however, they currently impact the way I serve this next generation.  I’m always looking for writers, leaders and innovators to inspire me and push me to my potential.  I believe that God has surrounded us with talent that will inspire us, move us and encourage us towards our vision.

Who is inspiring you?

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