As a youth minister how much of your job requires serving parents too? If we’re honest it’s not the most attractive part of the job; however, it’s probably one of the most important.
If parents feel equipped by your ministry you gain a lot of credibility. They’ll see what you do as something important for their teen and them. To gain that credibility you need to make sure you resource them by:
Parents need help and they need someone to help them, especially when a teenager won’t talk to them. You are a resource in their minds but your capacity is limited. Expand your capacity by clarifying the role volunteers play in your ministry.
Identify the people in your ministry who are available to the parents (i.e. small group leaders). Make sure volunteers know how to reach out to parents. If a parent knows that they have a team surrounding them they’ll gain confidence.
Parents want to know what their kids are learning, but their kids aren’t always willing to share. To help parents create a newsletter or show them where they can go on your website to see:
While it could create some additional work the return on your investment is priceless. Because there is no field guide to parenting it’s important to point them to resources that will give them the information they need.
There are so many different events and workshops we can provide for parents. The problem is that planning these events can be exhausting and taxing on resources. Partner with:
Your partnerships will benefit parents and the surrounding community. You’ll be seen as someone who has his or her sites on the bigger picture.
Parents need to know that you not only care about their teens but that you care about them. Show them that you care by pointing them to people, opportunities and resources that will help them grow.
[reminder] How are you equipping parents with your ministry? [/reminder]