
3 Obstacles Holding You Back From Building The Team You Need

The wait was killing me, I had to move into action. I started setting up tables and chairs, even though I had eager helpers on their way. I convinced myself, “I have some free time, wouldn’t hurt to get started.” But, I was wrong. As I finished setting up the last couple of chairs my team came in with the question, “What do you need help with?”

They hadn’t been late, they were on time, but I was impatient. My eagerness to get stuff done was a problem because I was sending mixed messages. At one point I was saying, “I need you all.” and at the same time I was saying, “There’s no place for you to serve.” Whenever you have that type of miscommunication it frustrates willing volunteers.

Maybe you don’t have that problem, but you still struggle to get men and women to serve at the level you need them to serve. Maybe the obstacle that’s holding you back is due to:


There are certain tasks and projects we want our volunteers to own. We want them to not only take them from us but execute them at a rate that is excellent and amazing. When those certain tasks don’t get done we get frustrated and immediately come to the conclusion, “There’s no one out there that can do what I do as well as I do it.”

Deep down we know that isn’t true, but to move passed that lie we need to communicate some of the same things over and over again until it clicks. It’s about sitting down and asking questions like:

  • What did you learn from this experience?
  • What could you improve to bring this task or project to a new level?
  • What do you need from me that would have helped you perform this task better?

As a leader, you are cultivating and coaching future leaders. It takes time, but it also takes a lot of communication. Don’t sabotage your efforts by assuming that your expectations can never be met. In fact, over time you’ll see that they are exceeded.


I’ve heard over and over again leaders say, “I didn’t ask because I knew that they would say no.” I always respond with the same question, “Did they actually say no.” and then I follow up with the question, “What makes you believe that they’ll say no.” Most times the responses vary from, “I think they are just way to busy.” to, “I feel bad asking them to do something that I wouldn’t enjoy doing.”

We all know the saying about assumptions, right? They don’t work because they create an outcome that’s not based on truth. There are people who are not as busy as us and who would be more than willing to do the things we hate doing.

To change that behavior you have to make yourself okay with rejection. That means being adjusting how you ask and who you ask. Being okay with rejection means having closure so you know how to move forward and change your approach. Rejection might stink but it gives you feedback on how you ask, who you ask and when you ask. It provides you an opportunity to grow as a leader.


You might be the leader, but that doesn’t mean you have to do everything on your own. A leader is someone who empowers and equips others to live out their God-given purpose. Leaders inspire those around them to take ownership and perform tasks that can make a difference.

We see this in the Gospels every time Jesus asks the disciples to do something. He asks them to feed the thousands, preach the Gospel, love the forgotten and heal the sick. He could have done it all on His own but He didn’t because He called us all to love others. Your job description outlines what needs to get done, and it’s your job to make sure that happens, but asking others to volunteer and help is a part of the process.

If you want to do what God has called you to do it’s about identifying others to help you get there. Just as you outsource your content and curriculum you need to outsource the labor and physical acts of getting stuff done. You’ll not only increase your capacity but provide a purpose for people in your church looking for something larger than the world could ever give them.

How do you empower, and equip men and women to take the reigns of leadership?


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